Индекс журнала

Индекс журнала в эл. каталоге агентства ООО «УП УРАЛ-ПРЕСС» 72258

Index of the magazine in the catalog of agencies UP URAL-PRESS LLC 72258

Адрес редакционного отдела

109029, г. Москва, ул. Нижегородская, д. 32, стр. 4
E-mail: ininforao@gmail.com

109029, Moscow, Nizhegorodskaya St., 32, p. 4
E-mail: ininforao@gmail.com

Свидетельство о регистрации

Reviewing and editing articles

Contract offer

Dear authors!

The editors are currently accepting applications for the publication of scientific articles in the 3th issue of the journal in 2024. Please send applications for publication to the email address ininforao@gmail.com. With rules directing, editing and reviewing scientific articles, as well as requirements magazine for their design you can find on the website of our magazine.

We are waiting for your articles.

Dear subscribers!

We inform you that the distribution throughout Russia of printed paper copies of issues of the scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogical Informatics” from 2021. carried out through Subscription agency "UP URAL-PRESS" LLC. Journal index in email. agency directory - 72258.
Online subscription through the agency "Business Press": Педагогическая информатика.

You can also directly contact the editor at ininforao@gmail.com and we will send you a paper copy of the issue to your specified postal address.

Editorial Board